Should I Replace My Sprinkler System?

Four sprinklers running in middle of grassy area in Orlando, FL

Four sprinklers running in middle of grassy area in Orlando, FL

Just like any farm equipment, sprinklers are bound to wear and tear. Although a sprinkle can last anywhere between 20 to 25 years, you may start to notice you are replacing parts regularly, which is very expensive. Just as it is in cars, replacing the tire with a spare tire may work for a while but getting a new tire takes the headache away.

You can’t have a sprinkler forever; it is not a one-and-done thing. It might be working still, but you know the system is faulty deep down. At some point, you will need a replacement to reduce the repair and maintenance costs.

Reasons Why You Need a New Sprinkler System


Increase in Your Water Bill

If you have noticed a sudden increase in your water bill, you should check your sprinklers and see if they need a replacement. An average sprinkler uses about 4,000 gallons of water every day. If there is flooding in your lawn, your sprinkler may be using more water than needed. The best thing to do in this case, especially if you have an older system, is to upgrade to a newer model. 

Too Many Repairs

The repairs can be time-wasting and very expensive. It could be a sunken head, or the valves might suddenly stop working. If you’re dealing with problems like this over and over again, it may be time to replace your irrigation system.

Uneven Watering

If your sprinkler system is faulty, it may leave your lawn underwater or badly flooded. This is usually the product of a broken pipe that needs replacing.

If the Sprinkler System was Poorly Installed

When you buy a house, you inherit all the previous plumbing and irrigation work from the previous owners. Some of these systems may be the product of DIY renovations, which are often poorly done. If there’s an issue in your wiring or waterproofing, your whole system may need an upgrade.

Need to Upgrade to Smart Irrigation

Technology is advancing constantly, and your sprinkler system may be outdated. The current irrigation systems on the market can be controlled remotely and shut down in an emergency. That way you don’t have to wait for a plumber to come and fix your sprinkler system if flooding and erosion occur in your lawn. They can even detect how much water is being used and turn off in the rain or if there’s a faulty valve!

Why is it Important to Have Your Sprinkler System Replaced?

Saves Money

Frequent repairs are costly. However, with a sprinkler upgrade, you only need basic upkeep to keep your sprinklers in good shape. And with a robust sprinkler system, you save on water bills since there is reduced water consumption.

Saves Time

An upgraded sprinkler system needs little maintenance, saving time you would otherwise spend checking the faulty valves.

Ensures Healthy Greenery

With a faulty irrigation system, you will notice patches in your lawn that are browning due to underwatering or flooding. However, with a sprinkler system that is working, you get to enjoy a beautiful yard benefiting from even water distribution.

Increases the Property Value

If you plan to sell your house, it’s important to make sure that all the systems are working perfectly. A sound sprinkler system plays a big part in passing a home inspection with flying colors, and with it you can boast a bright and beautiful lawn for potential buyers.

Key Take Away

You don’t have to continue with the frequent repairs that are costing you a fortune when you can install a new irrigation system. A new irrigation system will reduce utility bills, saving you time, money, and providing peace of mind.

In many cases, it’s better to upgrade rather than repair your sprinkler system. Smart irrigation is becoming more and more commonplace with homeowners, as they require little maintenance for many benefits. It helps everyone to stay on the cutting edge of home technology. And, when doing a replacement, you can ensure you are getting the best sprinkler replacement by trusting the most qualified retailers who can help you with the process from start to finish! 

Ways to Conserve Water With Your Irrigation System

Close up on a running sprinkler in lawn in Orlando, FL

Close up on a running sprinkler in lawn in Orlando, FL

It takes a lot of water to keep your landscaping looking lush and green all summer long, which can become a challenge as we enter the dry season here in Florida. Using a lot of water during the dry season not only increases your utility bills, but it can also lead to water shortages – especially during a drought.

Reducing the amount of water you use to maintain your garden can help your wallet and your community. And, thankfully, you don’t have to sacrifice your beautiful greenery if you want to cut down on your water consumption! There are a few methods you can use to keep your grass green while conserving water:

Adjust Your Irrigation Settings Seasonally

Perhaps the easiest and most effective way to conserve water year-round is to adjust your irrigation settings each season. Doing so will ensure that you aren’t using more water than is necessary. If you aren’t sure how to optimize your irrigation system for the season, a local expert can help you configure the settings properly to set you up for success.

Use Weather and Moisture Sensors

Many new irrigation systems have special features that are designed to decrease your water consumption while keeping your landscape happy and healthy. Two excellent features to look for are weather and moisture sensors, which will automatically adjust the irrigation settings based on how much water is in the environment. It will increase water flow on very hot and dry days and decrease it when it’s more humid or rainy out.

Use Landscape-Based Controllers

From the types of plants and soil that you have to the amount of sun your space gets, there are many factors that impact how much water your landscape needs to thrive. It can be challenging to take all of these factors into consideration when creating your watering schedule, especially during the dry season when it’s harder to calculate just how much water your plants need. That’s where landscape-based controllers can come in handy. These advanced irrigation devices will analyze every aspect of your landscape and choose the optimal way to water it.

Contact the Experts at Grasshoppers

It can be challenging to keep your lawn green and lush, even without the added challenge of water conservation. If you want to keep your grass looking great while cutting back on your water usage, turn to your local experts at Grasshoppers! Our team has proudly served the Orlando FL area for over 19 years, so we have plenty of experience navigating the weather patterns and landscaping needs of this area. To get started, give us a call today!

Why Does Your Lawn Have Dead Patches?

Lawn with patches of dead grass in Orlando, FL

Closeup of lawn beginning to dry out in Orlando, FLHave you been struggling year after year to keep your lawn in tip-top condition? Here at Grasshopper, we know how frustrating it is when unforeseen and inconspicuous conditions cause our lawns to slowly wither away before us. There are multiple reasons why your lawn might be developing scattered dead patches, so it’s important to be aware of all of the potential contributors in order to protect your yard properly. Read on for insight and advice from Grasshoppers’ lawn care team!

Top Reasons for Dead Patches in Grass

The same weather conditions that allow for fruitful plant growth around Orlando FL also create opportunities for pests, fungus, and more. If you are dealing with patches of dead grass on your lawn, it is probably for one of the following reasons:

  • Fungus: Fungal growth will usually occur in a lawn after an extended period of rainy weather. If you find dead patches in shaded areas of your lawn after a storm, fungus is a likely culprit. You can identify established fungal outbreaks by the rings of dead grass that they leave around a small recovered area.
  • Grubs: Grubs are beetle larvae that feed on the roots of many kinds of grasses here in Florida. Their damage will show up in small scattered spots that eventually conglomerate into large patches of dead grass.
  • Wear from people and pets: A lawn that sees too much human or dog activity is sure to develop dead patches. If you have a dog that you let out on your lawn every day, your dead patches might have been caused by urine burns or toys that were left out.
  • Thatch: Thatch is an accumulation of dead and decaying plant material that develops above the surface when grass is not watered properly. Grass roots will begin to develop in the thatch, but the material won’t hold enough moisture to sustain long-term growth, so the new grass will die and appear brown and withered.

How to Get Rid of Brown Patches in Your Lawn

It’s difficult to revive dead grass without an accurate assessment of the issue behind the decay. This is why we recommend diligent lawn care strategies to our customers. Staying on top of the health of your lawn is the best preventative measure that you can take. However, we understand wanting to quickly restore your lawn.

Raking away any thatch or dead grass that you find in your lawn can allow your grass more access to the nutrients it needs to survive. Paired with the use of certain store-bought lawn care products, it is possible to restore your lawn to full health on your own. But how can you be sure you’re making the right assessment?

Lawn Care Experts in Orlando FL

At Grasshoppers, our team of lawn care technicians have years of experience diagnosing lawn care issues and quickly restoring customers’ lawns using the latest lawn care technology. Don’t wait until your lawn is beyond repair to get a professional opinion and detailed care. Give us a call today to get started!

How to Water Your Florida Lawn

Front yard with palm tree and for sale sign in Orlando, FL

Front yard with palm tree and for sale sign in Orlando, FLLawn care can be a difficult and daunting task. There are so many different things to consider: the type of grass, the amount of shade, fertilizing schedules, and so on. But there is one thing that all lawns need: water. Knowing how to properly water your lawn will help it grow better and look greener all year round. To help you out, the lawn care experts at Grasshoppers have compiled their top tips on how to water your Florida lawn.


Why Watering Your Lawn is Important

Your lawn needs water to grow and stay green, especially in the hot and sunny weather of Florida. A regular watering schedule can encourage your grass to root deeper, which encourages hardier grass and can keep your lawn looking great no matter what time of year it is. Watering your lawn correctly can keep your property looking great while saving you money on lawn maintenance and utilities.


How Much Water Does Your Lawn Need?

Generally, most lawns in Florida need about an inch of water every week, but this can vary depending on a few different factors such as the type of grass or amount of shade in your yard. For instance, Bermuda grass does not need as much water as St. Augustine grass because it is more drought-tolerant. Other factors to consider are the area’s climate and time of year. If you need help determining how much water your lawn needs to thrive, a lawn care expert can examine these factors and help you create a great watering schedule.


When is the Best Time to Water Your Lawn?

In Florida, the best time to water your lawn is in the early morning to avoid water evaporation. We recommend watering once per week during warmer weather, and once every two weeks once the temperature drops. You will want to water deeply and thoroughly to encourage deep roots and hardier plants. Here are some signs that your lawn needs more water:

  • Grass blades are folded or limp
  • Your footprint remains on the lawn
  • Grass blades are blue-gray in color


Lawn Care Experts in Orlando FL

If you don’t have the time or expertise to provide your lawn with the care it needs, don’t worry! The lawn care experts at Grasshoppers in Orlando FL are here to help. We offer both residential and commercial lawn care services, including specialized services for HOA communities. If you need help caring for your lawn, just give us a call today!

Why is Lawn Irrigation Important?

A single sprinkler watering grass by a sidewalk in Orlando, FL

Keeping your lawn green and lush is important, especially during the long warm days of spring and summer. Even when owning property in areas where the rainfall amount is much higher than the national average, your lawn will still face many days without rain aiding its growth. You must always keep in mind the fact that the sun is trying to cook your lawn, and pulling out a hose daily to spray your lawn unevenly will probably not protect it. With a lawn irrigation system, you eliminate having to manually water your grass, and having an embarrassingly yellow yard.

Benefits of Lawn Irrigation Systems

An irrigation system helps control the supply of water to your lawn so that it’s always well watered. Here are just a few of the benefits of an irrigation system.

  • Saves time: irrigation systems run automatically so you don’t need to continually move a sprinkler around. This will save you valuable time and comes in handy when you’re traveling away from home.
  • Saves water: It’s nearly impossible to manage how much water you’ve used with a hose. Not only can overwatering be damaging to your lawn, but it can also increase your water bill.
  • Saves money: because you can control how much water you’re using, you can control how much you’re spending on water usage.
  • The system is customizable: you can set your irrigation system to water early in the morning and at dusk when lawn watering is best. This will minimize evaporation and oversaturation.

Professional Irrigation Installation Services

Keeping your lawn healthy is essential for a number of reasons, ranging from value to aesthetics. However, maintaining a lush green lawn year-round can be difficult without the help of a lawn irrigation system. If you’re ready to restore your dried-out lawn, Grasshoppers is the company for you! At Grasshoppers, we strive to refurbish your property with an effective irrigation system made to aid growth in times of drought. Our landscaping technicians are proficient in placing convenient sprinkler systems designed to evenly distribute water across your whole lawn, without overwatering it! If you’re in need of a beneficial irrigation system, contact us today!