How to Maintain a Healthy Lawn in Florida

How to Prepare Your Lawn for the Fall by Grasshoppers in the Orlando metro area.

How to Prepare Your Lawn for the Fall by Grasshoppers in the Orlando metro area.Keeping your lawn healthy in the Sunshine State might seem like a challenge, but with the right steps, you can enjoy a lush green space all year round. Florida’s weather demands a special approach to lawn care, considering the heat, rain, and various grass types. 

As your local landscape experts, we want to help you stay informed. In this guide, we break down the essential steps for maintaining a thriving lawn in the Florida climate.

Top Tips for Maintaining Your Florida Lawn 

Creating a lush, green paradise in your Florida property is not as daunting as it sounds. With the right know-how and a few simple tricks, you can transform your lawn into a vibrant haven that thrives in the Florida sun. Here are a few simple tips: 

  • Pick the Right Grass: Start by choosing a grass type that loves the Florida sun. St. Augustine, Zoysia, Bahia, and Bermuda are great options. Each has its perks, so go for the one that suits your taste and the local weather.
  • Mow Smart: Keep things easy by mowing at the right height—around 2.5 to 4 inches works wonders. Stick to the one-third rule, and your lawn will thank you. Regular mowing helps your grass handle the Florida heat like a champ.
  • Water Wisely: Even with Florida rain, your lawn might need an extra drink. Water deeply and less often to encourage strong roots. Early mornings are prime time for watering to avoid losing water to the sun.
  • Aeration and Dethatching: Give your lawn some breathing room by aerating and dethatching. It’s like a spa day for your grass—relieves compaction and clears away dead stuff for a healthier lawn.
  • Feed it Right: Show your lawn some love with the right nutrients. Fertilize based on your grass type, and you’ll keep it happy and green. A balanced fertilizer is the secret sauce for a thriving lawn.
  • Bug Control with a Smile: Florida bugs love lawns, too. Keep them at bay by following an Integrated Pest Management plan. Regular checks, a clean lawn, and pest-resistant grass varieties make it easy.
  • Roll with the Seasons: Adjust your lawn care routine as the seasons change. Give a little extra care in the summer, tweak things in the cooler months, and your lawn will stay in top shape year-round.

What Is the Easiest Grass to Maintain in Florida? 

Selecting the right grass for your Florida lawn can significantly impact its ease of maintenance. Among the various grass options suitable for Florida’s climate, St. Augustine grass is often considered one of the easiest to maintain. Here’s why:

  • Adaptability: St. Augustine grass is well-suited to the warm and humid conditions of Florida. It thrives in a variety of soil types, making it adaptable to different landscapes.
  • Drought Tolerance: While regular watering is essential, St. Augustine grass exhibits good drought tolerance compared to some other grass types. This can be beneficial during dry spells or water restrictions.
  • Shade Tolerance: Florida yards often have trees or structures casting shade. St. Augustine grass performs relatively well in partially shaded areas, making it a practical choice for many residential landscapes.
  • Establishes Quickly: St. Augustine grass tends to establish quickly, providing a relatively fast green cover for your lawn.
  • Fewer Pest Issues: While no grass is entirely pest-proof, St. Augustine grass is less susceptible to certain pests common in Florida lawns.
  • Moderate Maintenance Requirements: St. Augustine grass typically has moderate maintenance needs, making it a reasonable choice for homeowners who want a visually appealing lawn without an overly demanding care routine.

Before making a final decision, consider factors such as your specific location within Florida, the amount of sunlight your lawn receives, and any specific preferences you have for the appearance of your grass. Consulting with local lawn care experts or extension services can provide tailored recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

Keep Your Florida Lawn Healthy With Grasshoppers 

Struggling to maintain your Florida lawn? Grasshoppers can help! We have been locally owned and operated since 2002, so our team understands Florida’s quirks. That’s why we offer tailored solutions to keep your lawn in top shape. From smart plant choices to efficient irrigation and fertilization, we make sure to cover all bases. Trust us to turn your outdoor space into a lush haven that reflects both careful attention and the natural beauty of Florida. 

With Grasshoppers Landscaping, your lawn isn’t just maintained—it’s transformed into a resilient, vibrant paradise. Call us today for a free consultation.

How to Prepare Your Lawn for the Fall

Palm tree in front yard of house in Orlando, FL

Palm tree in front yard of house in Orlando, FL

As summer slowly transitions into fall, lawn care is crucial to ensure a healthy and vibrant yard in Florida’s unique climate. Preparing your lawn for the fall season involves specific steps tailored to the state’s warm weather conditions. Many HOA and commercial properties have landscaping guidelines and regulations that residents or tenants must adhere to. Fall maintenance helps stay compliant with the HOA rules, preventing potential fines or conflicts. With the right care in fall through Grasshoppers, your lawn will continue to be a source of pride and enjoyment throughout the year. 


The Importance of Fall Lawn Care   

Florida lawn care in the fall is important, primarily because of the unique climatic conditions that this state experiences. The intense heat and humidity of Florida’s summers can damage your lawn. Fall lawn care allows your grass to recover from the stresses of summer and repair any damage. Fall is also the season when many weed seeds begin to germinate and is a period of active root growth for many types of grasses. A well-maintained lawn going into the winter season will recover more quickly and thrive when spring arrives. 

Fall Lawn Care Tips 

The following tips will help you prepare your lawn for the fall season: 

  • Allowing a Longer Lawn  Allowing your lawn to grow longer than usual in the fall provides added protection to the roots for the upcoming winter weather.
  • Inspect Your Irrigation System –  Making sure your sprinkler system is operating correctly is crucial to the health of your lawn during the fall. 
  • Add Additional Grass Seed – Introducing new grass seed helps address areas of your lawn that have become thin, bare, or damaged due to heavy foot traffic, pests, or summer stress.
  • Watering Less Frequently – Continue to water your lawn during the fall, although with reduced frequency. Irrigating once every one to two weeks is usually sufficient. A rain gauge can be used to verify if your lawn is getting enough water, which is around an inch per week. 
  • Preventing Hazards – Overgrown grass and fallen leaves can create hazards. Ensuring the safety of yourself and others is of the utmost importance. 

Grasshoppers – Professional Lawn and Landscaping Care 

Mastering lawn maintenance yourself can be time consuming and complicated. Grasshoppers, an established lawn maintenance company for over 19 years, has experience in all areas of lawn care, landscaping, and irrigation to support you and your business. We offer a premier, superior service that is designed to take care of every aspect of a property. Grasshoppers specializes in large commercial properties, HOA, and Property Management contracts. Grasshoppers goes above and beyond other lawn and landscaping companies. With this communication comes service that is geared directly to your specific needs.  To experience our five-star lawn care services, contact the lawn care professionals at Grasshoppers today!

For the Palm in Your Hands: Preventing Palm Tree Disease

Front view of a stucco house and green front yard in Orlando, FL

Front view of a stucco house and green front yard in Orlando, FL

There’s a lot to love about living in Orlando. From the warm weather to picturesque beaches, perhaps nothing better embodies the seaside lifestyle of Florida better than the palm tree. These tall, unique trees originated in Africa and have been on the planet for millions of years. Fast forward to the present day and they’re all over the place adding a special touch to the look and feel of the area.

Yes, palm trees are wonderful, but they require a certain level of care to thrive. Luckily, the team at Grasshoppers is experienced in general tree care, and we are masters of palm tree care as well. With our help, these landmark trees in your yard can be protected from all the major damaging diseases.

Common Palm Tree Diseases

The diseases that can potentially kill your palm tree differ depending on the species of tree and the conditions it’s planted in. But if you ask any gardener or landscaper, they’ll tell you that a major issue for palm trees in Orlando FL is lethal bronzing disease. Also known as Texas Phoenix Palm Decline, this disease is caused by the bacteria found in the American palm cixiid.

LBD starts with the death of fruit or flowers on the tree and ends with the newest frond at the crown of the tree collapsing and the entire tree dying. It’s crucial to catch it early and remove the infection before it has a chance to spread, but this should always be done by a lawn care professional like the team at Grasshoppers. 

Other Forms of Palm Tree Damage

  • Lethal yellowing disease, or LYD, which is less commonly found but has greatly reduced the population of tall coconut palms in many parts of Orlando.
  • Leaf spots and false smut, both caused by fungi.
  • Bud rot, which reflects in the form of wilted fronds and an over-topped crown.
  • Palm weevils once targeted dead and dying trees but have recently become a threat to healthy palms as well.
  • Rugose Spiraling Whiteflies, a relatively new threat, contribute to the spread of deadly molds and fungi around palms and other trees. 

What Causes Palm Tree Diseases?

Palm trees can be rather difficult to tend to throughout the year, but if you don’t give it the maintenance it needs you run the risk of it developing damage and disease. 

It’s all about balance. Overwatering and underwatering both can cause fronds to discolor, fall off, and die. Palm trees without enough sun will have browning leaves, while palm trees kept in direct sunlight can literally be stripped of color and nutrients. A healthy palm tree needs to be planted at the right depth, and in the proper, appropriately-fertilized soil. 

Sounds like a lot to handle? That’s okay! Grasshoppers is experienced with palm tree care and will make sure the palm trees in your property thrive!

Palm Tree Care in Orlando

It’s always nice to have lush and vibrant landscaping around your property, but if you want a yard like the ones you see in the magazines it takes a lot of hard work. But with the help of the tree care experts at Grasshoppers, it’s well within your grasp. 

Our tree technicians are familiar with every aspect of planting, maintenance, and removal. With our help, you can enjoy all the benefits of a picturesque, Floridian lawn without needing to make yourself an expert landscaper. Want to know more? Contact us today to get started!

Should I Replace My Sprinkler System?

Four sprinklers running in middle of grassy area in Orlando, FL

Four sprinklers running in middle of grassy area in Orlando, FL

Just like any farm equipment, sprinklers are bound to wear and tear. Although a sprinkle can last anywhere between 20 to 25 years, you may start to notice you are replacing parts regularly, which is very expensive. Just as it is in cars, replacing the tire with a spare tire may work for a while but getting a new tire takes the headache away.

You can’t have a sprinkler forever; it is not a one-and-done thing. It might be working still, but you know the system is faulty deep down. At some point, you will need a replacement to reduce the repair and maintenance costs.

Reasons Why You Need a New Sprinkler System


Increase in Your Water Bill

If you have noticed a sudden increase in your water bill, you should check your sprinklers and see if they need a replacement. An average sprinkler uses about 4,000 gallons of water every day. If there is flooding in your lawn, your sprinkler may be using more water than needed. The best thing to do in this case, especially if you have an older system, is to upgrade to a newer model. 

Too Many Repairs

The repairs can be time-wasting and very expensive. It could be a sunken head, or the valves might suddenly stop working. If you’re dealing with problems like this over and over again, it may be time to replace your irrigation system.

Uneven Watering

If your sprinkler system is faulty, it may leave your lawn underwater or badly flooded. This is usually the product of a broken pipe that needs replacing.

If the Sprinkler System was Poorly Installed

When you buy a house, you inherit all the previous plumbing and irrigation work from the previous owners. Some of these systems may be the product of DIY renovations, which are often poorly done. If there’s an issue in your wiring or waterproofing, your whole system may need an upgrade.

Need to Upgrade to Smart Irrigation

Technology is advancing constantly, and your sprinkler system may be outdated. The current irrigation systems on the market can be controlled remotely and shut down in an emergency. That way you don’t have to wait for a plumber to come and fix your sprinkler system if flooding and erosion occur in your lawn. They can even detect how much water is being used and turn off in the rain or if there’s a faulty valve!

Why is it Important to Have Your Sprinkler System Replaced?

Saves Money

Frequent repairs are costly. However, with a sprinkler upgrade, you only need basic upkeep to keep your sprinklers in good shape. And with a robust sprinkler system, you save on water bills since there is reduced water consumption.

Saves Time

An upgraded sprinkler system needs little maintenance, saving time you would otherwise spend checking the faulty valves.

Ensures Healthy Greenery

With a faulty irrigation system, you will notice patches in your lawn that are browning due to underwatering or flooding. However, with a sprinkler system that is working, you get to enjoy a beautiful yard benefiting from even water distribution.

Increases the Property Value

If you plan to sell your house, it’s important to make sure that all the systems are working perfectly. A sound sprinkler system plays a big part in passing a home inspection with flying colors, and with it you can boast a bright and beautiful lawn for potential buyers.

Key Take Away

You don’t have to continue with the frequent repairs that are costing you a fortune when you can install a new irrigation system. A new irrigation system will reduce utility bills, saving you time, money, and providing peace of mind.

In many cases, it’s better to upgrade rather than repair your sprinkler system. Smart irrigation is becoming more and more commonplace with homeowners, as they require little maintenance for many benefits. It helps everyone to stay on the cutting edge of home technology. And, when doing a replacement, you can ensure you are getting the best sprinkler replacement by trusting the most qualified retailers who can help you with the process from start to finish! 

Does Landscaping Increase Property Value?

Lush yard with plants, trees and colorful flowers in Orlando, FL

landscaped lawn and garden

If you’re looking to put your home on the market, you may have heard that you can raise its property value through landscaping. But is that true? How does landscaping increase property value, and what can you do on your own as opposed to through a professional landscaping company? At Grasshoppers, we believe every yard has the potential for great beauty. It all comes down to cost, creativity, and choice of contractor – three qualities that can turn your yard into something special. Let’s go through each factor and see how we can help!


We won’t pretend that every household in the Greater Orlando Area has the resources to pursue elaborate landscaping. You can still make moves with your home’s curb appeal in mind. Curb appeal describes that crucial first impression your property gives to anyone walking or driving by. And, while a completely redesigned yard would definitely improve your curb appeal, so would trimming any overgrown greenery. You could take care of missing shingles or other visible forms of damage, or even install basic landscape lighting in the area. These are all things that’ll add value to your home, and they all cost little to no money to implement.

At the same time, though, those with the ability would greatly benefit from professional landscaping. All it takes is some insight and innovative thinking.


There is no exact rate in which landscaping improves your home’s property value. It all depends on your geographic location, but The Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association estimates that landscaping can increase your home’s value by up to 14%. Even small forms of landscape design and renovation will amount to an appealing selling point for potential buyers. When paired with new windows for the house itself, you can get the most out of your listing on the market.

Choice of Contractor

We mentioned before, there is work you can do on your own to increase your home’s property value. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind what is too complicated to do on your own. A poorly designed landscape will only detract from your home’s curb appeal, and if you attempt certain projects without a professional you will likely wind up with costly repairs to pay for. It saves massive amounts of time and trouble to trust an expert team of contractors like the ones at Grasshoppers. We provide comprehensive landscaping services in the Orlando FL area. We can help bring more beauty to your home. To learn more, contact us today!

Ways to Conserve Water With Your Irrigation System

Close up on a running sprinkler in lawn in Orlando, FL

Close up on a running sprinkler in lawn in Orlando, FL

It takes a lot of water to keep your landscaping looking lush and green all summer long, which can become a challenge as we enter the dry season here in Florida. Using a lot of water during the dry season not only increases your utility bills, but it can also lead to water shortages – especially during a drought.

Reducing the amount of water you use to maintain your garden can help your wallet and your community. And, thankfully, you don’t have to sacrifice your beautiful greenery if you want to cut down on your water consumption! There are a few methods you can use to keep your grass green while conserving water:

Adjust Your Irrigation Settings Seasonally

Perhaps the easiest and most effective way to conserve water year-round is to adjust your irrigation settings each season. Doing so will ensure that you aren’t using more water than is necessary. If you aren’t sure how to optimize your irrigation system for the season, a local expert can help you configure the settings properly to set you up for success.

Use Weather and Moisture Sensors

Many new irrigation systems have special features that are designed to decrease your water consumption while keeping your landscape happy and healthy. Two excellent features to look for are weather and moisture sensors, which will automatically adjust the irrigation settings based on how much water is in the environment. It will increase water flow on very hot and dry days and decrease it when it’s more humid or rainy out.

Use Landscape-Based Controllers

From the types of plants and soil that you have to the amount of sun your space gets, there are many factors that impact how much water your landscape needs to thrive. It can be challenging to take all of these factors into consideration when creating your watering schedule, especially during the dry season when it’s harder to calculate just how much water your plants need. That’s where landscape-based controllers can come in handy. These advanced irrigation devices will analyze every aspect of your landscape and choose the optimal way to water it.

Contact the Experts at Grasshoppers

It can be challenging to keep your lawn green and lush, even without the added challenge of water conservation. If you want to keep your grass looking great while cutting back on your water usage, turn to your local experts at Grasshoppers! Our team has proudly served the Orlando FL area for over 19 years, so we have plenty of experience navigating the weather patterns and landscaping needs of this area. To get started, give us a call today!

3 Benefits of Lawn Aeration in Spring

Service worker walking aerator along edge of lawn in Orlando, FL

Service worker walking aerator along edge of lawn in Orlando, FL

With spring in full swing, it’s the perfect time of year to begin preparing your lawn for warm weather. It can be difficult to maintain lush and green grass through the harsh summer sun, but there are a few lawn care techniques you can use to ensure your grass is as healthy and hardy as possible.

One of the most effective tactics for encouraging stronger grass is called lawn aeration, which is the process of driving small holes into the soil to allow water and nutrients to better reach the grassroots. Though lawn aeration is a quick and simple process, it can lead to significant and long-lasting results. Here are just 3 of the benefits of aerating your lawn in spring:

Stronger, Healthier Grass

The first and most obvious benefit of lawn aeration is that it encourages very beautiful, healthy, and durable lawn. This process loosens up the soil and allows nutrients, moisture, and oxygen to feed the roots. So, if your grass is fragile, supple, or easily dehydrated, aeration will encourage stronger growth while preparing your lawn for hot summer weather.

Better Drainage

Lawn aeration helps break up the soil, which can reduce compaction and allow water to seep into your lawn rather than rest on top of it. This can reduce erosion problems, muddy patches, or unsightly puddles while also ensuring your grass is getting all the water it needs. Aeration is a great way to prevent lawn dehydration, which is particularly useful before a dry summer.

Reduced Lawn Thatch

Lawn thatch is a layer of dead plant matter that rests between the grass and the soil. While a little bit of thatch may not be harmful, a thick layer of buildup can cause a variety of problems such as poor drainage and uneven mowing. Aerating your lawn can help penetrate the layer of thatch to encourage decomposition while keeping your grass in great shape.

Why Aerate Your Lawn in Spring?

Though lawn aeration can be effective at any point in the growing season, spring is one of the best times of year to complete this task. That’s because the soil is typically soft from rain, making the process much easier and more effective. The constant spring rain will also ensure your lawn doesn’t dry out afterward, which will encourage fast and strong growth.

Your Local Lawn Aeration Experts

It can be intimidating to aerate your lawn for the first time – after all, poking holes in your grass can lead to damage if done incorrectly. However, you don’t have to navigate it all alone! The landscaping experts at Grasshoppers in Orlando FL are always happy to answer your questions, and we provide great lawn maintenance services to ensure your property is always looking as beautiful as possible. Just give us a call to consult with an expert today!

Why Does Your Lawn Have Dead Patches?

Lawn with patches of dead grass in Orlando, FL

Closeup of lawn beginning to dry out in Orlando, FLHave you been struggling year after year to keep your lawn in tip-top condition? Here at Grasshopper, we know how frustrating it is when unforeseen and inconspicuous conditions cause our lawns to slowly wither away before us. There are multiple reasons why your lawn might be developing scattered dead patches, so it’s important to be aware of all of the potential contributors in order to protect your yard properly. Read on for insight and advice from Grasshoppers’ lawn care team!

Top Reasons for Dead Patches in Grass

The same weather conditions that allow for fruitful plant growth around Orlando FL also create opportunities for pests, fungus, and more. If you are dealing with patches of dead grass on your lawn, it is probably for one of the following reasons:

  • Fungus: Fungal growth will usually occur in a lawn after an extended period of rainy weather. If you find dead patches in shaded areas of your lawn after a storm, fungus is a likely culprit. You can identify established fungal outbreaks by the rings of dead grass that they leave around a small recovered area.
  • Grubs: Grubs are beetle larvae that feed on the roots of many kinds of grasses here in Florida. Their damage will show up in small scattered spots that eventually conglomerate into large patches of dead grass.
  • Wear from people and pets: A lawn that sees too much human or dog activity is sure to develop dead patches. If you have a dog that you let out on your lawn every day, your dead patches might have been caused by urine burns or toys that were left out.
  • Thatch: Thatch is an accumulation of dead and decaying plant material that develops above the surface when grass is not watered properly. Grass roots will begin to develop in the thatch, but the material won’t hold enough moisture to sustain long-term growth, so the new grass will die and appear brown and withered.

How to Get Rid of Brown Patches in Your Lawn

It’s difficult to revive dead grass without an accurate assessment of the issue behind the decay. This is why we recommend diligent lawn care strategies to our customers. Staying on top of the health of your lawn is the best preventative measure that you can take. However, we understand wanting to quickly restore your lawn.

Raking away any thatch or dead grass that you find in your lawn can allow your grass more access to the nutrients it needs to survive. Paired with the use of certain store-bought lawn care products, it is possible to restore your lawn to full health on your own. But how can you be sure you’re making the right assessment?

Lawn Care Experts in Orlando FL

At Grasshoppers, our team of lawn care technicians have years of experience diagnosing lawn care issues and quickly restoring customers’ lawns using the latest lawn care technology. Don’t wait until your lawn is beyond repair to get a professional opinion and detailed care. Give us a call today to get started!

How to Water Your Florida Lawn

Front yard with palm tree and for sale sign in Orlando, FL

Front yard with palm tree and for sale sign in Orlando, FLLawn care can be a difficult and daunting task. There are so many different things to consider: the type of grass, the amount of shade, fertilizing schedules, and so on. But there is one thing that all lawns need: water. Knowing how to properly water your lawn will help it grow better and look greener all year round. To help you out, the lawn care experts at Grasshoppers have compiled their top tips on how to water your Florida lawn.


Why Watering Your Lawn is Important

Your lawn needs water to grow and stay green, especially in the hot and sunny weather of Florida. A regular watering schedule can encourage your grass to root deeper, which encourages hardier grass and can keep your lawn looking great no matter what time of year it is. Watering your lawn correctly can keep your property looking great while saving you money on lawn maintenance and utilities.


How Much Water Does Your Lawn Need?

Generally, most lawns in Florida need about an inch of water every week, but this can vary depending on a few different factors such as the type of grass or amount of shade in your yard. For instance, Bermuda grass does not need as much water as St. Augustine grass because it is more drought-tolerant. Other factors to consider are the area’s climate and time of year. If you need help determining how much water your lawn needs to thrive, a lawn care expert can examine these factors and help you create a great watering schedule.


When is the Best Time to Water Your Lawn?

In Florida, the best time to water your lawn is in the early morning to avoid water evaporation. We recommend watering once per week during warmer weather, and once every two weeks once the temperature drops. You will want to water deeply and thoroughly to encourage deep roots and hardier plants. Here are some signs that your lawn needs more water:

  • Grass blades are folded or limp
  • Your footprint remains on the lawn
  • Grass blades are blue-gray in color


Lawn Care Experts in Orlando FL

If you don’t have the time or expertise to provide your lawn with the care it needs, don’t worry! The lawn care experts at Grasshoppers in Orlando FL are here to help. We offer both residential and commercial lawn care services, including specialized services for HOA communities. If you need help caring for your lawn, just give us a call today!

How to Garden in Florida With Allergies

Woman sneezing from allergies next to flowers in Orlando, FL

Woman sneezing from allergies next to flowers in Orlando, FLItchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion can quickly turn a day in the yard into a miserable venture. Gardening when you have allergies can be a real challenge, particularly here in the sunny state of Florida. Fortunately, however, there may be some solutions! By following a few simple steps, you can enjoy time in your garden without worrying about an uncomfortable reaction. Here are our tips for gardening in Florida when you have allergies:


Avoid Known Allergens

It goes without saying that you should avoid anything that you know you are allergic to. If possible, remove any allergy-inducing plants from your property, or consider hiring help for those specific areas of the garden. That said, many of us don’t know what exactly we are allergic to, which is where the other tips can come in handy.


Plan Ahead With a Pollen Map

Pollen maps monitor the daily pollen count in a given area. A pollen count is the number of grains of pollen in a cubic meter of air, and you can use this number to determine which days are best for gardening. On dry and sunny days with a high pollen count, it may be best to stay indoors and plan your yard work for another time.


Wear Protective Gear

Gloves aren’t just there to protect you from slivers or thorns; they can also help shield your skin from coming into contact with allergens. Consider wearing long sleeves, long pants, gloves, a painter’s mask, or some protective glasses. While that may seem like overkill – especially on a hot day – it can protect you from anything that would trigger a reaction. Also, avoid touching your face or eyes while gardening.


Pick Allergy-Friendly Plants

Some plants produce more pollen than others. With a little bit of planning, you can fill your garden with plants that are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction. To find allergy-friendly plants, you can ask your local experts or follow these tips:

  • Pick female dioecious plants: With dioecious plants, the sex is separated. That means female dioecious plants do not come with pollen-producing male flowers, so they are less likely to aggravate your allergies.
  • Pick perfect-flowered plants: Perfect-flowered plants have both male and female components in the same flower. Because the pollen does not need to travel in the wind to reach the female part of the plant, the pollination is fairly contained.
  • Look at the OPALS rating: The Ogren Plant Allergy Scale (OPALS) is an allergy rating system that measures a plant’s potential to cause allergic reactions. This scale considers everything from pollen allergies to contact allergies and can be a good reference point for individuals looking for allergy-safe plants.


Avoid Mold Spores

You may not think that you have mold in the garden, but mold spores can hide anywhere – particularly in mulch, compost, and potted plants. Avoiding mulch and compost can prevent you from coming into contact with mold, which could help you avert a reaction. If you still want to mulch or compost in your garden, consider hiring help.


Shower Immediately After Gardening

Showering and changing your clothes can help you avoid a reaction after the gardening is over. If you can’t shower right after gardening, at least change your clothes and wash your face and hands to wash away any allergens that could cause irritation later.


Consider Taking Allergy Medications

If your allergies are severe, consider consulting your doctor about allergy medications. A non-drowsy antihistamine can prevent allergic reactions, which may make gardening a more pleasant task.

If you have taken all of these steps and still struggle with allergies while gardening, it may be best to limit your exposure to the outdoors. To keep your yard looking great while avoiding allergens, call the landscaping experts at Grasshoppers today! We have proudly served homeowners throughout the greater Orlando FL area for over 19 years, and we are prepared to meet all of your gardening needs. Call us today to get your quote!